Drought Tolerant Plants

A Drought Tolerant Plant Garden
To help out during our current drought situation in California and with the many landscape watering restrictions, we have been installing many drought tolerant “Sustainable” gardens. Take advantage of our knowledge and allow us to show you plant combinations that require less water and add more color to your garden.
From Beautiful Flowering Perennials to Drought Tolerant Evergreens, from Low Growing Succulent Ground Covers to Exotic Cactus Specimens, we can assist you with putting together the right plant combinations to give you a natural looking, low maintenance garden that fits your exact style.
On all of our newly planted Drought Tolerant Gardens, we place down a thick layer of organic “Top Dress” mulch or a layer of decorative pea gravel as a water conservation measure. The “Top Dressings” slow down the water evaporation, conserving water.
There are many “Turf Removal Programs” where the City will give you a Rebate for removing your “Thirsty” lawn and replacing it with Drought Tolerant Plantings, up to $3.00 per square foot rebates in some cities. Pasadena Water & Power is currently giving a $2.00 per square foot rebate that can help you with the costs of planting a new garden. An eligible alternative to planting, after turf is removed, is also Decomposed Granite. Please visit our “Decomposed Granite” Services section for more information on this material.
So here is the best part about removing your lawn and Installing Drought Tolerant Plants, the money you save on your water bill when we convert your sprinkler system from a 4 gallon per minute lawn pop-up spray nozzle system to a 1 gallon per hour Drip Emitter System! Please visit our “Irrigation” Services section for more information on Drip Systems.
To find out more about our Drought Tolerant Plants, contact Tom at (626) 285-8000 or E-mail tomofhorizon@earthlink.net